Friday 22 March 2013

The weird questions Tag.............!!!!!!!!


Today I thought I would do this tag I saw it on Ella's Butiful blog be sure to check it out its hilarious!!!!!

The title instantly drew me in as many of us bloggers are total weirdos *haha* ( if this offends you I apologize) enjoy this really strange post!

Whats a nickname that only your family calls you?

Well there's quite a few: Sanna Banana, Chocks, San and Squirt (chocks cause I was really chubby as a baby)

Whats a weird habit of yours?

Ok this is probably really weird but if I have a necklace on I can't wear it with like fiddling with it like basically I will pick it up and like take what ever charm it is and basically rub the chain against my face if I am thinking! Is that weird I have never seen anyone else do it.

Do you have any weird phobias?

So I am not like really scared of this but you know when your in an air port and you are going through security, well I always act really suspicious because I am really scared that I have done something wrong!

What song do you secretly love to blast and belt at when your alone?

I adore this song but I don't only blast it and belt it when I am alone *cringe*

What's one of your biggest pet peeves?

I can't think of anything right now but I can tell you there are a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Whats one of your nervous habits?

I shake A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I am nervous I just shake its as simple as that!

What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I face the wall so right 

What was your first stuffed toy what was its name?

I was given him when I was born and he is called Fluffy, I know it isn't very imaginative but I was little.

Whats the drink you always order at starbucks?

I don't really go to Starbucks much

Whats a beauty you preach, but never actually practice 

I have none 

Which way do you face in the shower?

Forward, that's it 

Do you have any 'weird body skills'?

Well if you count like being able to raise one eye brow with out the other if not NO

Whats a phrase exclamation you always say?

"...Like..." "....Ummm...." "hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah"

Time to sleep what are you actually wearing

Either PJs or a Onsie

Ok so there you go this is a weird tag for a weird gal and I TAG all of you cause this was really fun to do so you guys ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sanna xxx


  1. Hi Sanna, cool post! I would check out the video but i am not allowed to because of my religion, not judging you or any thing! x

  2. And your nicks are kinda cool

  3. Hey out of interest what part of your religion stops you from watching it? and thanks

