Sunday 24 March 2013

A Story


Please tell me what you think of this if I get lots of good comments I will carry on with it....

I lay my hands on the key and begin to play. Finally, I haven’t had much time lately, but I always make time for my music. I play Guitar, Drums, Violin, Trumpet, and Flute, obviously Piano which if you hadn’t worked it out is my favorite. It’s a good thing that the rest of my family has the same love for music as me or I would drive them crazy!!!
By the way my name is Lola Trott. I live in central London and I am 16. I used to live in Wales until I was four, then we moved into an old Victorian house when my dad started to make lots of money, we decided to live in London because my mum grew up in London. At my school, a private school, I only just left my first school it and my mum decided that I should try I state school. I am kinda nervous because they will have been at school together for three years so I will be the weird new girl.
 I didn’t really have any friends at my old school. I am slightly jealous of my two little sisters, Lily and Joe they are twins so have always had each other plus they have a ton of friends. Anyway I am going to try to make friends at this new school. So that’s my goal for moving school, to make friends.
“Lola, hurry up or you will be late” shouted my mum. I ran down the stairs, and in to the kitchen I grabbed a piece of toast and kissed my mum. My dad had already left for work. My sisters were watching the news I shouted bye and they shouted back good luck in unison then started giggling. They do this really annoying thing were they say the same thing all the TIME!!!!  It’s kinda cute though their friends think it is awesome.
I caught the bus, just about. When I eventually go to the school (it’s called St Martin’s) I couldn’t find the headmistress’s office. The school is huge; it’s like a massive maze with doors with what seemed to be random numbers on them. All the children were walking around like all of them owned the school! This one girl came right up to me and said,
 “Hey are you Lola Trott” I obviously replied
“Yea, ummm who are you?” I asked.
“Sorry how rude of me, I am Willa Green and I will be here to make sure you understand and know everything you need to about this school” Willa explained to me whilst smiling her face off. She took me to the headmistress’s office, where I had to fill out a bunch of forms and double check a bunch of other forms that we had already sent in, it was so boring but Willa was there so it wasn’t too bad.
She is really lovely and sweet and funny. She has twin baby brothers and a 12 year old sister named Poppy, her parents names are John and Julie and she lives on Graven Close.
When I had finally finished signing/checking papers, Willa took me around the school.
“Shouldn’t you be in class” I asked puzzled
“Yes and so should you we have every single class together but for now I am just showing you around” she explains.
“Ok, miss tour guide where do we eat lunch” I teased.
“Right here” She says spreading her arms out wide and looking proud. When I looked up at it was like a proper American diner I didn’t remember seeing it on the tour I walked in and sat down at one of the benches and beckoned Willa over, I said “Tell me all about you.” She told me a lot but the few things I picked up were mainly about her friends, Rosie, Meg, Freya and Izabell.
After the tour we went to our first class, it was actually third period we had missed Science and History. Two of my worst subjects but we were going into music my best subject. We all went into a class room called 1.20. (Willa explained that the 1 means we are on the first floor and the 20 is the section we are in which is Music) The teacher who was called Miss Beadnel, she made me stand up at the front and explain my name and why I had moved school. Although I already like she was clearly going to slightly annoying as well. After the introduction to the lesson she told us to go to the electric keyboards and make up a tune. Obviously there couldn’t be anything easier or more fun for me to do on my first day at a new school with a friend already.
Willa was really impressed with what I came up with it was kind of embarrassing. Just before the end of the lesson, she asked people who they would nominate to perform their piece. A girl called Molly nominated a guy called Jake, Josh nominated Ella and Willa nominated me I mean ME!!!! When I had finished everyone was open mouthed except Willa whose smile was like a frogs. Miss Beadnel told me to join the choir all of the musical clubs and then asked if I was in to acting (which I am) it was quite nice until she asked me to sing to the class. She asked me to sing hero. Apparently I was incredible (according to her not to me)
Next we had lunch and I got to meet her friends I was kinda nervous in case they didn’t like me. When we approached the booth that they were sitting in a brunet with a ponytail said to me
“Hey are you Lola?” she asked.
“Yep that’s me but are you Rosie, Meg, Freya or Izabell?” I asked her. She laughed,( not in a mocking way)
“I am Rosie!” Rosie answered. I sat down next Freya who had two short dirty blond ponytails and green eyes, Willa sat next to Meg who had beautiful long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. I went up to the counter with Izabell who told me about how the cafeteria worked. First you queue up for your lunch then you go to the lady/ man behind the till.

“I’m home” I shouted as I walked into the house
“Come up and tell me about your day” Mum shouted back
I dropped my bag in the hall and ran up the stairs in to the study. My mum was sitting at the desk working on her computer, unlike my dad she works for herself. She created a record label. She only gets the odd bit of business but it’s enough to keep her busy during the day.
“Hey mum” I said.
“Hi darling how was your day” she asked
“Good, but I will tell you about it over dinner now I really just want to go and practice my music” I told her.
 “Ok darling, I have some work to do then I will pick up the twins from school.”
 I wandered down two flights of stairs ( all the musical instruments are in the basement because it got to crowded there is also a recording studio down there) I went straight to the piano I began to warm up my voice.
“ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh” I sang
Once I was warmed up I got out my music from my music box (we all have one, for music and CDs) I am writing a song so I was going to work on it. I hadn’t thought of a name yet.
I lay my hands on the keys and begin to play.

It isn't finished yet more to come soon 

Tell me what you think PLEASE!!!!!

Sanna xxx


  1. I absolutely love your story Sanna. It's so amazing and very relate-able to girls out there. Please keep writing for the future.

  2. Aww thanks sooo much I will post more soon got to write it first though!

